One thing I have learned in the many years of doing this work and utilizing my gift is not to worry what others may think. But I'm still human and like to believe that I have a really good heart but people still say some really mean and hurtful things. Then there are those that like to hold me to my predictions, like my local newspaper. When I said in the beginning of baseball season that the Philadelphia Phillies would go all the way to the world series and win they really held me to those words. When they finally made it to the world series the newspaper once again interviewed me and stated in the paper that I said the Phillies would win. Good thing the Phillies did take it all the way or otherwise I would have been crucified.
Many psychics will not even go there at all with doing predictions just because of the backlash they may receive if they are not accurate. Even with my own predictions I have found web sites that crucify me for the things I may have gotten wrong but always fail to acknowledge all the specific predictions I make that come true. Finally now that I'm 40 years old I know that there will be people that will love you and those that just do not. Unfortunately it is life and people like to judge others before they actually get to know the person at all. So regardless of what some of the haters may say, I'm still going to be doing my yearly predictions anyway. And still even though many may say negative things, they will still listen to my predictions, visit my blog and my web site to hear what I have to say anyway, regardless of what they would like you to think they believe or do not believe.
Ever since I was a child I could see and communicate with spirits along with having visions of world events before they happen. Sometimes I will be watching the television news and see a report about a missing person or murder cases and instantly get visions of the crime in action. As much as you may think this gift is all a bunch of peaches and cream, it is not. It can be very much a burden from time to time and some of the things I see are just not very pleasant. Seeing death and visions of these events can be very frightening. I had visions weeks prior to the attacks on 911. What is one to do about these visions? It is not like people will listen or that we will all gather together to try and prevent these negative occurrences and predictions, because we won't.
There was a psychic years ago by the name of Jean Dixon. She actually called the white house to warn president Kennedy not to through with his plans to ride in a parade. The ignorance of those protecting Kennedy wrote it off as a crazy psychic and ignored the warning. A few hours later the president was shot and killed. This is a fact and has been verified by white house officials. It seems that when psychics actually do help law enforcement or make amazing predictions no one wants to acknowledge it. They only want to acknowledge the things psychics misinterpret or get wrong to give the naysayers and disbelievers more fuel for their fire of anger and disbelief. It is rather said.
Still I will go on with my yearly predictions for 2011 and 2012 this coming New Years day on live radio. Millions of people from all over the globe will visit my web site, blog and live radio show in January all in hopes of getting a glimpse into the New Year. Some of you may be new to my blog and site and may not know much about myself or my work. There is actually a large amount of time and energy that goes into my yearly predictions. On two separate days I will go into my meditation room and begin with my daily prayers. Then I will guide myself into a deep mediation in order to get myself into a very deep subconscious state of mind, an alpha state. Then I will ask spirit to give me as much as possible in regards to the future. I spend a good hour or two for each prayer and meditation session.
During my meditation I will have my digital voice recorder to help me with remembering the visions I have of the future. I will receive information from spirit in many different forms. I get a combination of both feeling, hearing and seeing during this meditation. Spirit will send me pictures of things, colors, numbers and little video like flashes or visions. Many of the things Spirit shows me come to me in the form of newspaper headlines. And lets face it, the headlines are never really positive. I will speak out loud of the things I'm seeing in this meditation so I have it on record. Beings I have a hard time remembering things that come through from spirit it is a great idea to just record what I see. Some of the visions will be clear as a bell while others come to me a little muffled or blurry. Many will play out in the real world exactly the way I have seen them in the meditations while others do not. There are even a few that I can not see, to see well or understand so I exclude them from my predictions.
Something else I noticed after doing these predictions for going on four years now is the fact that sometimes I'm off time wise. The predictions play out usually exactly the way I see them but I really have an issue with time lines. Just like I say to my clients when they are getting a life reading with me about their future, that is the fact that everything I tell them is usually based on a one year period of time. Usually everything happens within a year of the reading. I like to believe this would also be the case with my world and celebrity predictions. But for some reason they may take a little longer then a year to fall into place. This year I'm going to ask Spirit to help me with a better time line on my predictions. Hope that will help out a bit more.
Another thing I will be doing this year will be mixing in some predictions for 2012. With all this talk about December 21, 2012 I feel that it would be a good idea to include some predictions for 2012 along with a little bit about my views on the whole December 21, 2012 occurrence. Many seem to be so worried about this specific date because of many different reasons. There are several different things that will occur on this date that has not happened in thousand of years. Even scientists are worried about what could occur on December 21, 2012. So I will include this in my 2011 predictions. They will not be mixed together with the 2011 predictions. I will separate them on my blog so that readers understand which ones are which.
If you are one of those wonderful people that follow my yearly predictions then you may already know that you will get more out of listening to my live New Years Day radio show. As I go through my predictions on live radio other things often come to me that are not in my written predictions. One example is the big oil spill that we encountered on the East Coast of the United States earlier this year. It is not in my written predictions at all. One of my clients had written me an email stating that I predicted the oil spill. I did not recall this prediction at all. So I went back and listened to the live radio broadcast and there is was. So you may consider tuning in to the live show on New Years Day. Of course if you miss any of my radio shows you can listen to all the archives of every past show. And the last live show I do will automatically begin to play on my blog when you visit.
I have not yet began my predictions for 2011. However, I did have several visions of future events that have come to me over the past few weeks. I shared some of those on my radio show two weeks ago. Tomorrow I will begin my first meditation and connection with spirit in hopes of compiling my list of 2011 predictions. I will make my second attempt on Monday. Then I will sit and listen to my recording and transfer those predictions into written predictions. As always I will read these predictions on live radio New Years day. I usually do a special three hour show on New Years Day but beings I'm not with WBCB radio any longer and now I'm strictly with Blog Talk Radio I'm limited to a two hour show. I will try to contact Blog Talk Radio in hopes of changing my show from 2 to 3 hours.
During the live radio show I will discuss my predictions briefing while going back and forth to the phones. I like doing my predictions while bouncing back and forth to my callers so I can give them a look into their future. Hopefully Blog Talk Radio will allow me to do more then a two hour show. That way I can get through all my predictions and allow my listeners to call in and find out about their new year. Be sure to sign up for free to Blog Talk Radio so that you can participate in the chat room. You can also set reminders so you do not have to miss a show. You will get an email reminding you to tune in. You do not have to be a member of Blog Talk just to listen to the show. Anyone can listen to the live broadcast from anywhere in the world as long as you have access to the Internet. Often I will take listeners questions from the chat room and you have to sign up to Blog Talk in order to type your questions in. You can view the chat and listen even if you are not a member.
This years predictions show will begin at 2pm eastern time and last until 4pm est. Unless Blog Talk pushes me up to a two and a half or three hour show. You can always write Blog Talk Radio requesting that they let this special edition of Journey Into The Paranormal go longer then two hours. I hope that you will join me for the live broadcast. I put my predictions out there on New Years day for several reasons. The main reason is so that they can not be altered or changed what so ever. And beings the predictions are for the year what a better day to announce them then New Years Day. Thank you all for your love & support over the past year and years. I send you all lots of love & light and hope that you all have a very wonderful holiday season along with a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Joseph Tittel