Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Messages From The Other Side & Learning A Lesson From Them.

Today was not too hot and a great day to have off from work. Most of the time I only get one day off beings I do the radio show on my other day off. Bob and I spent the first few hours doing basic yard work like mowing the lawn and using the weed whacker. After lunch we ran some errands including a stop at home depot for some more stuff for the garden projects. Then we planted sunflowers all along our fence, which will look nice when they bloom and maybe attract a few hummingbirds. During my time outside I spend a good part of it playing with the dogs.

Yesterdays radio show went really well with some very strong messages from the other side. There were even a few callers who were so touched you could hear the emotions in their voice. It makes me feel really complete and fulfilled when I know that I was able to touch someones life in such a special way. If you missed the show you can listen to it on my web site. If you are having problems listening to it live on the Internet, try using Internet explorer if your using some other browser. You can listen live every Tuesday at 4 PM eastern standard time.

With so many messages coming through over the past week there is one that really sticks out the most. Actually there were two. During a family home gallery over the weekend I had a gentleman's father coming through with messages. He kept showing me helicopters and I just could not grasp it at first. Earlier in the reading a young man came through that was killed in a motor vehicle accident. At first I thought maybe the helicopter I was seeing was a message that he was flown to the hospital by way of a medical helicopter. I knew that was not it, it had to be something more significant. The gentleman who was receiving the messages had a good idea as to what the message pertained to.

He explained to the group and I what the message was. His father, who was coming through with the message, was very sick in the hospital and was soon going to pass. He got a helicopter to pick him up and rush him to the hospital to see his sick father. Within about ten minutes after the helicopter dropped him off at the hospital and departed the propeller of the helicopter came off and the helicopter crashed killing those on board. If the hospital was ten minutes further away he would have also perished in the crash.

That story along with another reading I did this week really should teach us all something. I was conducting a phone session when a young lady came through who was tragically killed. She was thrown off a horse and passed instantly. Her connection was much needed and brought so much closure and validation. With both of these connections we can learn several things. The first connection with the helicopter just goes to show that if god is not ready for us then we are not going anywhere. To me it really shows that in most cases, if not all cases, death is meant to be and there is no way to prevent it. God has a mission for each and every one of us. The messages from the young lady who was tragically killed from horseback riding should show us all that life is short and you really never know when, where or how you are going to leave this beautiful Earth.

So putting the messages together this will hopefully show you and I both that we need to enjoy each and every moment that we are here upon this Earth. We should also learn to always tell your family and friends that you love them for you never know whether or not it will be the last time you have the chance to tell them.
With Love And Light
Joseph Tittel

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