Sunday, February 19, 2012

February Inspirational Message (From February Newsletter)

The following message comes from my February Newsletter, which was sent out to subscribers on February 3. You can subscribe on my web site or here on my blog in the right hand column. If you are subscribed and did not receive the February newsletter be sure to check your spam & trash folders. If you do not find it there then try to unsubscribe and re-subscribe again. Once you sign up you will receive an email in which you must click on the link to confirm your subscription. You may not be receiving the newsletter because you may not have confirmed your subscription

Hello Everyone. I would like to begin by wishing you all a very happy & healthy new year. I have been so busy with the holiday's & doing my 2012 predictions that I just did not have a chance to get out a January newsletter. I want to thank you all for your love and support throughout the past years. I look forward to the future that lies ahead of us all.

2012 is a very exciting time to be on the planet Earth. A time of major change and a time where the planet goes through a major shift, a shift that has not occurred in thousands of years. I explain more about this shift and how we can all take advantage of it in my 2012 predictions intro posted below and on my blog. This is a vital time for each and everyone of us. A vital time to make a shift in our lives and a time to make our dreams come true.

The first quarter of the year is a time for us to focus on organizing our lives and our surroundings by cleaning out some of the cutter. The means both physical clutter and emotional clutter. This is a time for us to project where we want our lives to be in a year and even 5 years down the road. Focusing on this by picturing ourselves where we want to be while cleaning up the clutter and making simple changes to help open up new doors of opportunity that all lead to fulfilling our dreams

Those who walk in the light may be faced by the dark at some point and we must always know that the light always rules over the dark. People who live a positive life and project positive thoughts along with focusing on love will have a great year of positive change. Those who are negative and always focus on negative things will endure a very difficult year. Those who have done harm to others may pay dearly in 2012. When faced with negative people, places or things try to immediately project love. Remember, what we put out comes back to us ten times over.

It can be very helpful to help promote change in your life by doing simple things like cleaning and reorganizing your home or office. Maybe changing around the furniture or putting some fresh paint on the walls can all help to promote change in our lives. We have to be the one to take that step and make the change. If you happen to be surrounded by a negative loved one it can be a little more of a challenge to focus on positive. Always try your best to project love to the universe for the universe can be very rewarding and you will receive lots of love back.

Remember to ask your spirit guides when you need some guidance or answers in your life. Our guides are there to help us and often do without us realizing it. Pay attention to the things that come to you out of the blue. It may be your guides trying to tell you something. If there is something you want to manifest into your life in 2012, like a new job or relationship, just ask the universe. Sit quietly, breath deeply, relax and simple ask the universe to help you achieve this goal and thank the universe all while focusing on love. Soon you will manifest your dreams.

I know you can feel the odd energy in the air lately. So many strange things will occur this year. Do not let this take from your focus to achieve those dreams and goals. The first quarter of the year will seem all the same as if nothing is changing. Come April and May new doors can and will open for us and help us to pave our way to our dreams. You will also see many people begin to open more spiritually during this shift, which is a wonderful thing. So get yourself focused and take advantage of this wonderful time on our planet Earth.

Thank you for reading my newsletter and blog. I feel so honored to be able to share this gift and can not thank you all enough. I wish all of you and your family all the best in 2012. I look forward to our continuous journey together.

With Love, Light & Desire To Inspire


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