Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2016 World Predictions 

Did you miss Spiritual Medium Joseph Tittels annual New Year's Day Predictions radio show? No need to worry. you can see the live video feed on Youtube. Thanks for watching... 


  1. When will they be available to read for hearing disabled?

  2. Do you think weather is being manipulated? Or hurricane Katrina being man made?

  3. Do you think hurricane Katrina and sandy were inside jobs?

  4. I understand you are charging now for your written predictions? Does the money go to a charity? Its difficult to sit and listen back when the recorded version is so long so much easier to re read To suddenly hear of a charge after waiting is questionable at best We all assumed you did your predictions as a service of love Hopefully the money will be used well for others

  5. where/when are written predictions You keep changing the timeframe. I also only get my newsletter once in a while not monthly.Hard to listen back to a 3 hour show.

  6. Hi Joseph, are you soon posting the written form of your prediction?

  7. Any idea who Hillary's VP will be?

  8. I feel very well informed. Thank you.

  9. starting at 2 hours, 6 minutes and 33 seconds in, is disturbing... did not know that trump and clinton were friends....if this is correct, maybe alex jones (infowars radio host that i listen to on shortwave wwcr, 4,840 mhz at ten pm) needs to know this...oh well, don't blame me, the last time i voted, i voted for ron paul...

  10. Fascinating psychic-medium and reading on 2016!
