If you are not familiar with my Paranormal Chat, let me explain. This is more like an educational program. Each and every Tuesday evening I will host a special chat where you can ask me questions relating to the paranormal, ghosts, angels, my work as a medium and so much more. Now that the chat is going radio there will be less confusion and more time for me to go into detailed answers to your questions. This will be an Internet radio show and you do not have to sign up if you just want to listen. You will be able to listen on my blog talk radio page, my blog or directly from my web site. There will also be a chat room where listeners can talk and ask questions. You may even call into the show and ask me a question on the air about the paranormal or about the evenings topic. This is all free. You have to sign up to blog talk radio if you want to chat with others in the chat room or if you want to ask a question from the chat room.
Please note that this is not a show in which I do any readings or answers any type of psychic questions about your personal life. This is an educational program for listeners to learn more about the paranormal and share your experiences. The show will air Tuesday's from 8pm to 9pm Eastern time. The times we had the choose from were limited until the show has steady listeners. Then a better time and day may become available and the time and day may change.
Each week I will pick a different topic to focus on such as angels, ghosts, doing psychic work and so on. Even though there will be a topic questions are not limited to just that subject. The first show will be more of an introduction and specific topics will start for the second show. Each person will be allowed to ask one question. Remember, no readings on this show. It will work similar to the way the old Paranormal Chat worked. I will write down all the names of everyone in the chat room just before 8pm. I will work down my list of names one by one allowing each person to ask a question. Beings I'm doing this over the radio now, I will also take a question by phone then one from the chat room and so on. Please take my poll located on the right column of my blog so I can see what days and times you are most likely to listen. More information on the blog talk radio and my new show is available by clicking HERE.
Another cool feature with this new program is the show archiving. Each show will automatically be archived on blog talk radio so you can come back and listen to any show you have missed. If you have one topic that you would like to suggest, please let us know. Simply comment on this blog post with one topic that you would like to hear more about. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post, for your comments and for taking my polls on the right. Hope to see you during the launch of the new Paranormal Chat Radio Show.
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