Remember to please listen to the show instead of just trying to call in for a free reading. Last week we had several caller that never listen to the show and only try to call, sometimes before 4pm, in hopes of get a reading. If you are not listening then you are not getting the call in rules and the correct time to call in. We do not start taking calls as soon as I get on air. Bob, The Big Kahuna and I talk a little bit about the past week and what is going on with us before going to the phones. Sometimes we do not take calls until 4:30 or later if I have on a special guest. We have even had people call as early as 3:30 asking to be put on hold. We will not be putting people on hold any longer at this point until I begin taking calls. So if you call in before I begin taking calls you will be told to call back. Sometimes I like to give out autographed copies of my book, CD and even tickets to events. I can not do a give-away if the lines are tied up.
Another thing that happens often with callers that don't listen to the show is they ask to connect with a specific deceased loved one. Everyone that listens knows by now that no medium out there can connect with the deceased loved one you want to hear from. Spirit comes to us, we can not dial them up and talk to them. No medium has control as to what deceased loved one comes through. So when someone is so focused on who they want to hear from and sometimes on top of that they want to hear what they want to hear and that's it. It just does not work that way and any medium out there will tell you the same thing. You just need to remain open to receive messages from who ever comes through and not who you want.
The way it works on my radio show is callers can ask one personal life question or a question about a close family member like your husband or father. Again a life question is to give you guidance in areas such as health or career. Now if I sense a strong deceased loved one trying to get through with messages for the caller, then I will let it flow and make that connection for them. Many callers receive connections from the deceased, we just do not guarantee that every caller will get a connection. Also, if you have called the show in the past six weeks please give others a chance. We have had people call every week and we prefer you give new callers the option to get through. Next week I will not be able to do the 4pm radio show but will be back again on April 14.
Many of you may not be aware of my new radio show "Journey Into The Paranormal". This show air every Tuesday evening at 8pm on blog talk radio. This is an Internet radio show and can only be heard on the net on my blog talk page. This is more of an educational program and is NOT based on readings. I still take calls and depending on how I feel I do at times allow callers to ask me one question about the nights topic and then a life question. So far I have allowed callers to ask both questions on each of the past 6 shows. Each week is a new topic and if you miss a show you can listen to the archives on the right column of this blog or on my site. This week I have a good friend and special guest coming onto the show.
Tuesday March 31 at 8pm on blog talk radio join me and my special guest Numerology Expert Alison Baughman from visible by numbers. As far as I'm convinced Alison is the best Numerologist that I have ever meet. She is also a gifted soul and a wonderful person. She host's her own radio show every Monday evening on the net. I have been on her show several time and will be back on her show Monday April 20. I had a numerology chart done by Alison about a year ago and it was amazing. She really puts your life into perspective for you. Starting from your birth and taking you through your life. I'm looking forward to the things she told me are coming and she was right on key with my past.
I will talking to Alison about her work and then will go to the phones and Alison will answer your questions and do a little mini reading for callers as long as she feels up to it. When I have on a special guest on the show all the questions will be focused on the guest. If you have an idea for a topic or a special guest that you think I should try to bring onto the show, then listen in tomorrow to find out how to send it over. You can also email your idea to Bob through my web site. You can also comment on this post with your suggestions and my web master will forward them to me. Please understand that we will not respond to the messages. Another good feature that Journey Into The Paranormal has is a chat room. You can chat with some of the listeners and at times I do answer questions from the chat room. You have to sign up to blog talk radio in order to participate in the chat. You do not need to sign up to listen. Next week my guest will be good friend and Reiki Master Brighid Murphy. We will be talking all about Reiki Healing. Hope you tune into both shows and enjoy them. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and for listening to my radio shows. Smile and know that you are loved.
With love & Light...Joseph Tittel

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