Bob and I are both fans of the hit show American Idol. This year my votes went to the winner Chris Allen. Years ago when Rubin Studder won American Idol I knew, without a doubt, deep in my heart that the votes were rigged. Same thing happened to me this year. I knew that Adam was going to win but at the same time I did not see it happening, if that makes any sense. I just could no put my finger on it because I saw them both winning which made no sense to me.
Then I remembered my predictions for 2009. There was a prediction I made during that two hour New Years Radio show about American Idol. I even made an update to that prediction a few months ago. Here is the original prediction from my blog:
"American Idol will hit headlines because of a scandal and a possibility that the show is fixed."
The following update was made on April 8:
"Many years ago when Rubin Studder won over Clay I knew in my heart the show was rigged. Look how far Clay has come since then and as for Rubin. ou don't hear much about him. When I was doing my meditation on the 2009 predictions it was no surprise to me to see a headlione that said American Idol Fixed and American Idol Exposed. I believe there is more to come about the scandal aspect of this prediction."
Well new is out now about a scandal with AT&T influencing votes in favor for Chris Allen to win. I wanted Chris to win anyway, but it is so wring that these reality shows are fixed and a lot of the time it is who the producers favor, for whatever reasons, that actually win. I had no doubt wen I saw this is my mediation that it was certainly going to happen. This is exactly what I was seeing in my meditation. You can read more about this American Idol Scandal and the possibility that the entire voting process was fixed by clicking HERE.
Another prediction that seems to have just come to pass was what I said about the weather and floods in Florida. Here is the exact prediction from this blog New Years Day:
Floods will be a major problem in 2009 and I see one country covered in water. This could be due to a tsunami, tidal wave or hurricane. This will kill several hundred.
Floods will also effect Florida, Texas and Parts of California and the mid-west.
Florida just endured a ton of rain fall and more then 20 inches of rain in some parts of Florida. The flood were really bad last week. A friend of mines lives near Daytona and she told me the water came up to her door and she could not get out to drive to work. I hate to say it, but this is not the worst of what Florida will experiences later on in 2009. I expect huge weather changes, storms, floods and most likely a pretty big hurricane. I also just saw something on the news about another country that was under water with major disaster as far as floods, I think it may be in India. This is just the beginning of a serious weather nightmare for many this Summer and early Fall.
One other thing I wanted to point out in my prediction actually came from a comment left on my blog post by Goletasue. He mentioned that today Honduras was hit by a major 7.1 earthquake. There are now tsunami warning in effect for the area. I did predict 3 major earthquakes this year and can not be sure that this is one of them. One that I saw was very huge killing hundreds or even thousands like the one that hit China or Japan last year. It is pretty obvious, at least to me, that the Earth is about to do some major cleaning up. This will cause major weather related disasters and each year we will see them increase more and more. That is why we all need to pitch in. Conserve energy, recycle and so forth. Grow your own vegetable garden if you can or plant a tree. Every little bit that we do will benefit our Mother Earth. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my blog. Have a wonderful day.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Vacation Week
Friday May 15 was the beginning of a well needed vacation and some time away from home. Our voyage began in Atlantic City for the night to see James Van Praagh and of course a little gambling. We returned home Saturday afternoon and began package for our trip to Florida. Monday morning we flew US Airlines to Orlando. Don't think the trip went smoothly because it certainly did not. Might I remind you that the Mercury Retrograde is still in effect and along with the retrograde comes many delays. We boarded the plane right on time and even pulled out of the terminal to head to the runway. Then the pilot comes on the loud speaker to announce that there will be a delay due to heavy traffic. So there we sat in our plane eagerly awaiting for our plane to take off. After a little more then 30 minutes of sitting there our plane was finally in the air heading to Orlando Florida.
I made sure I signed up for the Disney Magical Express which was so convenient. As soon as we got off the plane we went directly to the Magical Express Bus. There was no need to retrieve our luggage, they bring it to you room. The bus dropped us off at the front desk of the Disney Caribbean Beach Resort. We arrived at the resort around 3:30 in the afternoon. Now of course the retrograde was not finished with us yet. According to the woman at the front desk our room was not ready yet. Now how the heck do you not have someones room ready at 3:30 in the afternoon? They know your coming in on their bus, so you would think they would make sure the rooms are ready for everyone on the bus. So we waited around for another half hour before we were finally in our room. The room was very nice and very clean, smelled good too. I have to give them four and a half stars on the cleanliness, but only two stars for customer service in the resort.
I had a whole itinerary mapped out for the four days we would spend in Disney. Beings I even had all our lunches and dinners planned with reservations I had to make months before we came to Disney. So due to the delay in our planes take off and our room not being ready we were already behind schedule and had to resort to eating burgers at the resort beings we missed our lunch reservation at Disney Hollywood Studios. The food was kind of gross at the resort, but I was not expecting anything good from a fast food place in a food court. After getting some food in our tummy's we headed to the bus stop and caught the next bus to Disney Hollywood Studios, or MGM. Looks like they changed the name since the last time I was there more then ten years ago. Did I happen to mention that it was also raining? Well it was raining. Bob and I were not going to let the rain ruin our vacation.
One of my favorite rides in all of the five parks is the Tower Of Terror and that was exactly where we headed once we arrived at the park. This was the first time for both of us as far as staying on the Disney property rather then at another hotel and having to rent a car and so forth. I have to say that I really loved the concept of staying on the grounds. The bus stop was very close to our rooms and there were buses that took you to all the different parks ever

The rain was not too bad the first night we were at Disney but it certainly was going to get worst. We spent the late afternoon and early evening in Hollywood Studio before catching the bus to the Magic Kingdom. We had a dinner reservation for around 7:30 at Tony's Place located right inside of the Magic Kingdom. Bob and I both had Cesar salads along with Chicken Parmesan. Even though it was not the best salad or chicken parm. that I even had, it was not the worst either. If I were to rate it I would give it three out of five stars. The service was excellent and everyone in the restaurant were very pleasant. After dinner we hit the confectionery store for some fudge and sweets for desert. Then we hung out briefly before the fireworks began. I'm a big fan of fireworks, but for some reason Bob is not a big fan of them. I really enjoyed the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom and it was amazing watching them spark about the big castle.
Bob and I rushed out of the Magic Kingdom right before the fireworks ended just to be sure we could get a seat on the bus. Depending on the time that you get on the buses it is possible that they may pack you in like sardines. We were fortunate enough to get on the buses at the right times when there were not so many riders on the bus. No matter what it was still really convenient. We did not have to drive, rent a car, buy gas, or even pay to park and then walk a mile to the gates of the park. I recommend anyone going to Disney, especially if you have kids, that you stay at a hotel or resort on Disney grounds and take the bused everywhere you needed to go. Its also a good idea to plan as much as possible beforehand so that way you can see more while you are there.
Tuesday we woke up to more rain and it pretty much rained the entire time we were in Florida. I'm not talking just drizzle either and definitely not an on and off rain. It was a constant pouring rain practically the entire time. There were days that were had a few hours of no rain, usually in the morning or early afternoon. It seemed to me that every time we went to do something it would start pouring. We bought poncho's in one of the parks and talk about cheap, and I don't mean in price, but more like quality. Those cheap ass poncho's were eight bucks each. Mine was so tight around my neck that it ripped and I felt like I could not breath because it was so humid with the poncho on. Eventually, I think on Wednesday, we resorted to umbrellas thinking they may keep us dry and cool at the same time.
We spend forty dollars just trying to keep dry. At times I did not really mind the rain and at other points I was so sick of it. We would arrive into a park that was pretty packed with people and as soon as the rain came a large majority of the people left the park. This made it so much better for us beings we got on most of the rides right away with less then a ten minute wait on the really good attractions. Tuesday was our day to do Epcot and we had both lunch and dinner planned in the park. Lunch was in France, which was very delightful. Dinner was in Morocco at a really cool Moroccan restaurant. Bob and I both love that type of food and I enjoyed my meal which consisted of Lamp Chop and Cuss Cuss. Bob had some type of chicken that also came with Cuss Cuss. There was a really delicious appetizer we had which consisted of several different items to please your pallet. I picked the lamb because I never get to eat it and I love it. My grandmother made the best leg of lamb ever. I would rate the Moroccan restaurant overall, food service and entertainment, three and a half out of five stars and France will only get three stars.
We spent the entire day and night in Epcot. We did take a break and went back to out resort t
We got a fast pass for the actual safari and little did we know the rain would be coming down in buckets. When I got of the safari it was more like coming off a water slide. I was completely soaked. The jeep was going so fast through the mud and jungle of the safari it made it hard to take pictures. I was surprised that there were as many animals out in the rain as there were. There was this really cool big tree in the center of the park and within the entire tree were carvings of all different animals. Again at some point we went back to the resort to switch
I changed the reservation and actually could not believe they were able to do that for us. Our original reservation was for six and then we decided that eight would be better. That way we can spend more time in the park because by the time we got done eating with the reservation at six, we would not have had time to go back to the park. I had no idea who Shula is or anything other then this was suppose to be a five star steakhouse. The setting and surrounding were very comfortable and even with pictures of football players on the walls it was still a very delightful & relaxing atmosphere. The waitress was great and she alone gets five stars. She gave a presentation of the different steaks showing us w
On the match box I noticed that there a several Shula's Steakhouses including one in Philadelphia. I'm not sure where in Philly it is but I can guarantee you that Bob and I will be looking for it soon. Thursday was the only fairly nice day with practically no rain until later in the evening. Our initial plan was to do one of the water parks on this day, but the e weather man was still calling for rain. Water parks and water slides are my favorite, besides roller coasters, and it was a little bit of a disappointment that we did not get to go. I have never been to any of the Disney water parks before. Well this gives us a good reason to go back to Disney again soon. So beings we did not spend a whole lot of time at Hollywood Studios, we decided to go there Thursday morning and then had lunch there also. We ate at the coolest little restaurant called the 50's Prime Time Cafe'. The restaurant was set up in little areas that ma
We bounced from Hollywood Studio's back to the Magic Kingdom around three o'clock. It was perfect timing to catch the big 3PM parade in the Magic Kingdom. Being there was no rain the show went on and the parade was a blast. I felt like a little kid all over again, especially when I saw Micky Mouse, it was really cool. The costumes and floats were simply amazing. After spending the afternoon in the Kingdom we headed back to our resort to have dinner at a restaurant in the resort. I can not remember the name of it but it was the only actual restaurant in the Caribbean Beach. I had Tuna and Bob had some type of pasta. The dinner was not really spectacular and I would give it two and a half stars. It was around this time that the rain began to come down again really hard. I really wanted to get back to Hollywood Studios to see their special Fantasmic Fireworks and light show. We decided to go and brought along our poncho's and umbrellas. We both ended up leaving our umbrellas at the bus stop. Thank God we has our poncho's.
We were lucky that it stopped raining. Bob and I hit the Tower Of Terror again and then hit the Aerosmith roller coaster about three times. That is one of my favorite rides too. Besides that I'm a big fan of Aerosmith. They were my first concert when they reunited after ten or more years on August 4, 1984 and seen them about seven times since. We met up again with the Big Kahuna, Jen and Magnolia and headed to the show. As soon as the show began it started to rain again and we all put our ponchos on. The show was amazing and we all very much enjoyed it. We left the park at around eleven and had to go back and finish packing for out seven AM departure the next morning. The flight home I slept most the time. When we got home I had to sneak out to buy food for a surprise barbecue 30Th birthday party for Bob.
It was a last minute plan because I was suppose to go to LA to do filming. Mercury must have screwed that up too beings it was postponed again. So I threw together this party for Bob while we were in Florida, all by text messaging. That went very well too and he was actually surprised. We had a wedding Saturday night and I was afraid someone would slip about the party. Fortunately no one spilled the beans and I managed to put together a great party. Beings I still had a few days off I did a bunch of things in the yard including more planting of flowers and veggies that I started from seed. So there you go folks, my entire vacation all wrapped up as short as I could make it.
I'm very grateful I had time to get away and be stress free for a week. Now I'm back to the real world and ready to go back to work. I actually miss work and miss making connections with the deceased. I did a good job blocking them all out while I was away. There was one other thing that was pretty cool during our trip to Disney. I forget which park we were in, maybe Hollywood Studios, where out of nowhere a group of baby ducks approached me. It was funny because they came right up to me along with their mother as if they knew me. I reached down and was able to even touch them with not a sign of fear in them. Animals are sensitive and can sense good and bad energy. So it is possible they could have also sensed the spirits and angels around me. Stuff like that with animals happens to me all the time. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Have a great day and be sure to get to Disney World some time in your life.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Past Week, James Van Praagh & Atlantic City
Without a doubt we are all experiencing the effects of the Mercury Retrograde, some a little more then others. One of the effects it has been having on myself is that I feel overwhelmed and it seems like there is just one thing after another. This past week I barely found time to sit and relax, just too much to do. It also seems as if the projects I was attempting to complete just took forever to get finished. And of course the Retrograde started off with a bang in our house with the washer breaking down first. Then my email crashed and I could not get it to work for two days. We have to put up with the Mercury Retrograde until mid June. The actually retrograde ends on May 31 and then the return is June 14. So you could feel the effects through early June, so hang in there.
After my busy week Bob and I headed out to Atlantic City around 3PM Friday. For some reason I went another way and it took us two hours to get to AC rather then the normal Hour and a half. Thanks again to the retrograde. Then for some reason I thought we were staying at the Tropicana and at the last minute I realized I made our reservation for Resorts. We hit a little rain on the way down the AC expressway and once we arrived Atlantic City had a blanket of thick fog. We checked into out hotel and headed to our room to upload our bags. Then we went and played slots for just a bit while having a drink, or two. Then Bob and I began our journey down the boardwalk to find a restaurant for dinner before going further down the boardwalk to the Hilton to see James Van Praagh.
We stumbled upon the Rain Forest Cafe' and decided to go with them for dinner. We have eaten there in the past and it was really good. This time I went with the steak, ribs and coconut shrimp combo and it was excellent. Bob had the primal steak and said it was excellent. I love the atmosphere at the Rain Forest Cafe' with its jungle feeling surroundings along with the huge fish tanks with all the beautiful fish. After dinner we headed to the Hilton. We did not realize until we left Saturday how far we actually walked Friday night. It was somewhere around 4 miles or more from our hotel to the Hilton. Once we arrived at the Hilton we had a few drinks and played a little on the slots before going into the theater to see James Van Praagh. Unfortunately we were unable to have dinner with James this time because of his crazy schedule & book tour.
We sat pretty close to the stage and there was music playing. Then James came out on stage dancing all around as the audience began clapping to the beat. That was fun. James talked a little bit and brought out a woman by the name of Fran who is the fastest talker in the world. She is in the Guinness Book Of World Records and has been on Ripley's and dozen of other shows. She also had a great sense of humor and James was just down right hysterical. A very funny guy in deed. After Fran came up on stage James took everyone into a meditation and was about to go into doing readings. At some point he brought up my name when he was on stage. I was stunned and did not expect that at all. He told people all about me and actually mentioned me several times throughout the event. What an honor it was to have James mention me in front of hundreds of people. Totally awesome.
A friend of mine, Alison, had just sent me an email telling me that she just went and saw James for a book signing in Exton, PA. She said a guy asked James if he would do a reading and then James mentioned his web site and my name. He recommended me to the group at the bookstore. Wow. Even though James is a friend and I'm listed on his site, I would never expect him to mention me at a book signing or event. I'm just honored that he has done that for me. I had done a reading for James in order to get listed on his site. He is a person I have always looked up to and has been like a mentor to me throughout my life.
So going back to the event, James made a few really good connections. Some of the things he says are so funny and at times you would catch yourself thinking "I can not believe he just said that". He has a great presence on stage and comes across really well in his readings. Even being a medium myself it is still amazing to watch a medium like James at work. After the event I was immediately approached by people that were sitting near me. I could not talk to everyone at once, it was kind of crazy. Beings James mentioned me and many people recognized me from TV. There had to be at least a half of dozen people who asked if I would take a photo with them. That was a very nice feeling and James really made my night. We met up with James afterwards and I got a copy of his new book "Unfinished Business". Looking forward to reading that on the plane trip to Florida Monday.
James introduced us to his friends, including Fran, the worlds fastest talker. We talked to her for a while and I really liked her. She had a good personality and great humor. Well she should, she is also a comedian. Would love to see her perform some time. We hung out for a little while and then headed out. I was not about to endure that walk back to our hotel, so we grabbed a cab outside the Hilton. Once back at the hotel we hit the casino and spend the evening in there before going to eat again. I had a craving for breakfast, so that is exactly what we did, at breakfast at about 1AM in the morning. Saturday morning we heading out of Atlantic City and went home to catch up on things before out Disney trip Monday.
We spent the entire day in the yard doing yard work, like mowing the lawn and getting the vegetable garden tilled. I tilled the garden, added some manure and put the plants and seeds in. The Bob and I put up the fences I made for certain vines plants to climb like cucumbers, watermelon and cantaloupe. I'm looking forward to fresh fruits and vegetables this summer. Nothing like veggies picked fresh out of your own back yard. I'm even more excited about Disney and having some time off. So folks, that is my past week pretty much summed up and our trip to Atlantic City. Be sure to check out James Van Praagh's new book "Unfinished Business and check his web site for up-coming book signings, events and TV appearances. I just finished watching him on Larry King Live. Very good topic. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Joseph Tittel
After my busy week Bob and I headed out to Atlantic City around 3PM Friday. For some reason I went another way and it took us two hours to get to AC rather then the normal Hour and a half. Thanks again to the retrograde. Then for some reason I thought we were staying at the Tropicana and at the last minute I realized I made our reservation for Resorts. We hit a little rain on the way down the AC expressway and once we arrived Atlantic City had a blanket of thick fog. We checked into out hotel and headed to our room to upload our bags. Then we went and played slots for just a bit while having a drink, or two. Then Bob and I began our journey down the boardwalk to find a restaurant for dinner before going further down the boardwalk to the Hilton to see James Van Praagh.
We stumbled upon the Rain Forest Cafe' and decided to go with them for dinner. We have eaten there in the past and it was really good. This time I went with the steak, ribs and coconut shrimp combo and it was excellent. Bob had the primal steak and said it was excellent. I love the atmosphere at the Rain Forest Cafe' with its jungle feeling surroundings along with the huge fish tanks with all the beautiful fish. After dinner we headed to the Hilton. We did not realize until we left Saturday how far we actually walked Friday night. It was somewhere around 4 miles or more from our hotel to the Hilton. Once we arrived at the Hilton we had a few drinks and played a little on the slots before going into the theater to see James Van Praagh. Unfortunately we were unable to have dinner with James this time because of his crazy schedule & book tour.
We sat pretty close to the stage and there was music playing. Then James came out on stage dancing all around as the audience began clapping to the beat. That was fun. James talked a little bit and brought out a woman by the name of Fran who is the fastest talker in the world. She is in the Guinness Book Of World Records and has been on Ripley's and dozen of other shows. She also had a great sense of humor and James was just down right hysterical. A very funny guy in deed. After Fran came up on stage James took everyone into a meditation and was about to go into doing readings. At some point he brought up my name when he was on stage. I was stunned and did not expect that at all. He told people all about me and actually mentioned me several times throughout the event. What an honor it was to have James mention me in front of hundreds of people. Totally awesome.
A friend of mine, Alison, had just sent me an email telling me that she just went and saw James for a book signing in Exton, PA. She said a guy asked James if he would do a reading and then James mentioned his web site and my name. He recommended me to the group at the bookstore. Wow. Even though James is a friend and I'm listed on his site, I would never expect him to mention me at a book signing or event. I'm just honored that he has done that for me. I had done a reading for James in order to get listed on his site. He is a person I have always looked up to and has been like a mentor to me throughout my life.
So going back to the event, James made a few really good connections. Some of the things he says are so funny and at times you would catch yourself thinking "I can not believe he just said that". He has a great presence on stage and comes across really well in his readings. Even being a medium myself it is still amazing to watch a medium like James at work. After the event I was immediately approached by people that were sitting near me. I could not talk to everyone at once, it was kind of crazy. Beings James mentioned me and many people recognized me from TV. There had to be at least a half of dozen people who asked if I would take a photo with them. That was a very nice feeling and James really made my night. We met up with James afterwards and I got a copy of his new book "Unfinished Business". Looking forward to reading that on the plane trip to Florida Monday.
James introduced us to his friends, including Fran, the worlds fastest talker. We talked to her for a while and I really liked her. She had a good personality and great humor. Well she should, she is also a comedian. Would love to see her perform some time. We hung out for a little while and then headed out. I was not about to endure that walk back to our hotel, so we grabbed a cab outside the Hilton. Once back at the hotel we hit the casino and spend the evening in there before going to eat again. I had a craving for breakfast, so that is exactly what we did, at breakfast at about 1AM in the morning. Saturday morning we heading out of Atlantic City and went home to catch up on things before out Disney trip Monday.
We spent the entire day in the yard doing yard work, like mowing the lawn and getting the vegetable garden tilled. I tilled the garden, added some manure and put the plants and seeds in. The Bob and I put up the fences I made for certain vines plants to climb like cucumbers, watermelon and cantaloupe. I'm looking forward to fresh fruits and vegetables this summer. Nothing like veggies picked fresh out of your own back yard. I'm even more excited about Disney and having some time off. So folks, that is my past week pretty much summed up and our trip to Atlantic City. Be sure to check out James Van Praagh's new book "Unfinished Business and check his web site for up-coming book signings, events and TV appearances. I just finished watching him on Larry King Live. Very good topic. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Joseph Tittel
Sunday, May 10, 2009
May Inspirational Message From Joseph
The following is the inspirational message that appeared in my May Newsletter Messages From The Other Side. Be sure to sign up to my newsletter by clicking here.
Finally April showers are behind us and much needed sunshine will be experienced throughout May. May is going to be a little bit crazy in the way of weather. There will be sudden cool temperatures followed by excessive heat and storms in some places. May is certainly going to have a different weather pattern in 2009. Don't let the weather stop you from getting your plants into the ground. You should do this in warmer climates usually in the second or third week in May. Cooler climates may have to wait until early June. If you are like myself and prefer to plant around the phases of the moon, then you should plant between May 24 and June 5.
The wonderful planet of Mercury will be going into retrograde with Gemini on May 7 and this will last until June 14. Gemini will be feeling the retrograde a little more then everyone else, but do not think you are safe from Mercury's wrath. Mercury seems to make things slow down and cause nothing more then one problem after another. I know, some of you may be thinking, it has been that way for me for a while. Well hold onto your seat because it could get worst.
Mercury seems to really effect communications more then anything and this will cause people to miss appointments, forget things and so forth. It also has an effect on those of you who have to use their brains a good bit in their work. Such as writers, critics, teachers, travelers and so on. Expect above normal delays at airports and bus stops. Mercury also has a way with making things break down, like computers, electronics, your car and even your phone. Be sure to focus on paying your bills early just in case the retrograde ends up delaying your mail too and before you know it you are paying late fee's.
Beginning during the retrograde you should be very cautious in what you sign and careful starting any new project like a business. Mercury can certainly effect the success of a project and that is why you should not start new things because you may regret it down the road. Now of course we could have opportunity knocking on your door in May and early June, just approach this with caution. This does not mean you should pass up the opportunity, just think it through and also expect delays in the long run.
For some signs there will be new opportunity coming your way in the form of career and business. Some of you will have to wait until the end of June and early July for that opportunity to come your way. Remember to project positive energy and positive thoughts. Any little bit of negativity can bring more delays and some bad karma too. In May you have to learn to bite your tongue or you fill find that your mouth could get you into trouble or hurt someones feelings and you wouldn't want to do that, now would you? Really all we can do in May is hang in there and find a few things to do around the house to help time fly.
Mercury is a good time to finish a project that you may have put down for a while. It is also a great time to do some spring cleaning and cleaning up the clutter in your life. What I mean by cleaning up the clutter in your life does not mean cleaning the messy closet. What I mean is it is a good time to rid yourself of negative people, places and things. Perfect timing to end a sour relationship or friendship and rid your life of all negative things that have been effecting your life. Get prepared for a hot and busy summer. You are going to find that summer flies this year and before you know it we will be running our heater once again. Have a great month everyone and be sure not to fight the retrograde, instead, go with the flow. With Love & Light.
Affirmation For Life
I create positive energy in my life each and every day and surround myself in white pure light and Positive energy.
Affirmation For Yourself
I love the person I see in the mirror every day & appreciate the things I have. I have faith in myself and grow from these positive things and positive thoughts in my life.
Finally April showers are behind us and much needed sunshine will be experienced throughout May. May is going to be a little bit crazy in the way of weather. There will be sudden cool temperatures followed by excessive heat and storms in some places. May is certainly going to have a different weather pattern in 2009. Don't let the weather stop you from getting your plants into the ground. You should do this in warmer climates usually in the second or third week in May. Cooler climates may have to wait until early June. If you are like myself and prefer to plant around the phases of the moon, then you should plant between May 24 and June 5.
The wonderful planet of Mercury will be going into retrograde with Gemini on May 7 and this will last until June 14. Gemini will be feeling the retrograde a little more then everyone else, but do not think you are safe from Mercury's wrath. Mercury seems to make things slow down and cause nothing more then one problem after another. I know, some of you may be thinking, it has been that way for me for a while. Well hold onto your seat because it could get worst.
Mercury seems to really effect communications more then anything and this will cause people to miss appointments, forget things and so forth. It also has an effect on those of you who have to use their brains a good bit in their work. Such as writers, critics, teachers, travelers and so on. Expect above normal delays at airports and bus stops. Mercury also has a way with making things break down, like computers, electronics, your car and even your phone. Be sure to focus on paying your bills early just in case the retrograde ends up delaying your mail too and before you know it you are paying late fee's.
Beginning during the retrograde you should be very cautious in what you sign and careful starting any new project like a business. Mercury can certainly effect the success of a project and that is why you should not start new things because you may regret it down the road. Now of course we could have opportunity knocking on your door in May and early June, just approach this with caution. This does not mean you should pass up the opportunity, just think it through and also expect delays in the long run.
For some signs there will be new opportunity coming your way in the form of career and business. Some of you will have to wait until the end of June and early July for that opportunity to come your way. Remember to project positive energy and positive thoughts. Any little bit of negativity can bring more delays and some bad karma too. In May you have to learn to bite your tongue or you fill find that your mouth could get you into trouble or hurt someones feelings and you wouldn't want to do that, now would you? Really all we can do in May is hang in there and find a few things to do around the house to help time fly.
Mercury is a good time to finish a project that you may have put down for a while. It is also a great time to do some spring cleaning and cleaning up the clutter in your life. What I mean by cleaning up the clutter in your life does not mean cleaning the messy closet. What I mean is it is a good time to rid yourself of negative people, places and things. Perfect timing to end a sour relationship or friendship and rid your life of all negative things that have been effecting your life. Get prepared for a hot and busy summer. You are going to find that summer flies this year and before you know it we will be running our heater once again. Have a great month everyone and be sure not to fight the retrograde, instead, go with the flow. With Love & Light.
Affirmation For Life
I create positive energy in my life each and every day and surround myself in white pure light and Positive energy.
Affirmation For Yourself
I love the person I see in the mirror every day & appreciate the things I have. I have faith in myself and grow from these positive things and positive thoughts in my life.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Cleansing & Protecting Your Home & Life Of Negative Energy
The following is an article from my April Newsletter.
Think of negative energy in your home as if it were like dust. Over time the negative energy builds up in corners of your home. Some rooms are a bit more dirtier then other rooms. And some homes have more dirt then others just as some homes are not as clean as others. People also have a lot to do with the energy in their homes and in their offices. A person who is negative will tend to have an office or home full of negative energy and you will also notice that they are more miserable and seem to always have problems, whether they be personal problems and even health problems. The energy that surrounds us greatly effects our lives and our health. A negative home or office will have effects on your concentration, your sleep and even your immune system.
Many years ago I found myself in a situation where I was always sick and had negative things happening all around me. This lasted for many years. I would even sit back and try to look at why so many negative things were going on and how I could go about changing that. I had even gotten so sick that I was in bed with Mono. for at least four months. It even got to the point where I just thought it was me and my life and therefore nothing I would do could fix it. It was not until things got better and I looked back on the situation did I understand more about how we can create negative lives.
It actually was not just me that was causing the issue, it was the people around me. Those that I spend a large amount of time with. I could not believe that I spent those years surrounded by negative people. They were not necessarily bad people, just negative. They would think negative, gossip negatively, and say hurtful things about others. These negative people, including a few that I worked with, began to help me built up a huge cloud of negative energy around myself. So much that it made me sick and nothing ever seemed to go right.
I should have known better beings I opened a new age shop at the age of 19. I knew how to cleanse my home and live positive. But then something happened and I left the business and jumped off the path of being spiritual. That is when things went down hill. I was to learn a lesson from losing the business, but was not suppose to leave my spiritual life. That was one of the many reasons things got bad.
Another thing that can cause negative energy around us is when people send it to us. It may sound crazy to some, but it is true. We live in a world full of negative and jealous people. People think bad things of us and send us negative energy and thoughts most of the time without even realizing it. It is not really smart on their part beings anything you put out, both good and bad, comes back to you three times over. It does not pay to be jealous, mean to others or think negatively about others. There could be people you work with and even at times your own friends that are sending you negative energy. This is why it is not just important to cleanse your home, but to protect yourself too. I will cover more on the topic of protection and others ways of cleaning up the clutter in a later article. For now lets focus on cleaning up some of the negative energy in the home or office.
A few years ago I met a doctor who has now grown to become a very good friend. I was listening to her speak and was inspired by something she said that still sticks in my mind. She said we should avoid negative people, negative places and negative things. She also said you need to clean up the clutter in your life. That statement is so true and I have applied that to my life and it works. But to begin you really should learn the basics of cleansing the home and office and then more on to focusing on cleaning up other clutter in your life. It is obvious as to how you can avoid negative people, places and things. Just avoid those who are negative and don't expose yourself to a place that is negative for you, including maybe even a family gathering or party.
Let us begin with the home or office. Go out and get yourself a sage stick. Sometimes you can find a mix of sage and cedar and that will work just fine. This is an ancient practice used by Native American Indians and oher traditions. You can find them in and new age book store or online. You will also want to light a few white candles, one in each room if possible. Then get yourself some sea salt, not table salt, which is available at the grocery store. Mix a few tablespoons of sea salt with a cup of water, preferably spring or purified water. Light your candles and then go from room to room sprinkling, with your fingers, the sea salt water mixture. You should do this in every room mostly in the corners of the room and in the closets. When your finished you can light your sage stick. Some sticks are hard to light and it helps when you blow on it to get it smoking. Once the sage stick is burning well you will go room to room once again fanning the sage smoke throughout the house and in the closets. It helps to say a little prayer such as the following: "Lord (Or Spirit), please cleanse this space and home of all negative energy and allow only good to enter herein. May the archangels protect my home from all evil and all negative energy. So be it."
Your home now on its way to becoming a wonderfully positive and negative free place to reside. It also helps to have a home that is very clean with little to no clutter. In some traditions it is believed that the entire home should be washed down with a mixture of water, sea salt, and a little bit of amonia. Personally I use a mixture of water and a cap of bleach. It also helps to place one bay leaf in each corner of your home for protection. A few other things that help bring positive energy into the home is plants, especially the good luck bamboo plant. Some traditions believe you should have one bamboo plant in each room of the home. Having a fountain with running water in the home also helps create positive energy and brings a relaxed atmosphere. So many things can influence our lives, our moods and how we feel. Even the color you paint the walls in your home can greatly effect the energy. Just doing a few things each month will help you to feel better and to live better.

Think of negative energy in your home as if it were like dust. Over time the negative energy builds up in corners of your home. Some rooms are a bit more dirtier then other rooms. And some homes have more dirt then others just as some homes are not as clean as others. People also have a lot to do with the energy in their homes and in their offices. A person who is negative will tend to have an office or home full of negative energy and you will also notice that they are more miserable and seem to always have problems, whether they be personal problems and even health problems. The energy that surrounds us greatly effects our lives and our health. A negative home or office will have effects on your concentration, your sleep and even your immune system.
Many years ago I found myself in a situation where I was always sick and had negative things happening all around me. This lasted for many years. I would even sit back and try to look at why so many negative things were going on and how I could go about changing that. I had even gotten so sick that I was in bed with Mono. for at least four months. It even got to the point where I just thought it was me and my life and therefore nothing I would do could fix it. It was not until things got better and I looked back on the situation did I understand more about how we can create negative lives.
It actually was not just me that was causing the issue, it was the people around me. Those that I spend a large amount of time with. I could not believe that I spent those years surrounded by negative people. They were not necessarily bad people, just negative. They would think negative, gossip negatively, and say hurtful things about others. These negative people, including a few that I worked with, began to help me built up a huge cloud of negative energy around myself. So much that it made me sick and nothing ever seemed to go right.
I should have known better beings I opened a new age shop at the age of 19. I knew how to cleanse my home and live positive. But then something happened and I left the business and jumped off the path of being spiritual. That is when things went down hill. I was to learn a lesson from losing the business, but was not suppose to leave my spiritual life. That was one of the many reasons things got bad.
Another thing that can cause negative energy around us is when people send it to us. It may sound crazy to some, but it is true. We live in a world full of negative and jealous people. People think bad things of us and send us negative energy and thoughts most of the time without even realizing it. It is not really smart on their part beings anything you put out, both good and bad, comes back to you three times over. It does not pay to be jealous, mean to others or think negatively about others. There could be people you work with and even at times your own friends that are sending you negative energy. This is why it is not just important to cleanse your home, but to protect yourself too. I will cover more on the topic of protection and others ways of cleaning up the clutter in a later article. For now lets focus on cleaning up some of the negative energy in the home or office.
A few years ago I met a doctor who has now grown to become a very good friend. I was listening to her speak and was inspired by something she said that still sticks in my mind. She said we should avoid negative people, negative places and negative things. She also said you need to clean up the clutter in your life. That statement is so true and I have applied that to my life and it works. But to begin you really should learn the basics of cleansing the home and office and then more on to focusing on cleaning up other clutter in your life. It is obvious as to how you can avoid negative people, places and things. Just avoid those who are negative and don't expose yourself to a place that is negative for you, including maybe even a family gathering or party.
Let us begin with the home or office. Go out and get yourself a sage stick. Sometimes you can find a mix of sage and cedar and that will work just fine. This is an ancient practice used by Native American Indians and oher traditions. You can find them in and new age book store or online. You will also want to light a few white candles, one in each room if possible. Then get yourself some sea salt, not table salt, which is available at the grocery store. Mix a few tablespoons of sea salt with a cup of water, preferably spring or purified water. Light your candles and then go from room to room sprinkling, with your fingers, the sea salt water mixture. You should do this in every room mostly in the corners of the room and in the closets. When your finished you can light your sage stick. Some sticks are hard to light and it helps when you blow on it to get it smoking. Once the sage stick is burning well you will go room to room once again fanning the sage smoke throughout the house and in the closets. It helps to say a little prayer such as the following: "Lord (Or Spirit), please cleanse this space and home of all negative energy and allow only good to enter herein. May the archangels protect my home from all evil and all negative energy. So be it."
Your home now on its way to becoming a wonderfully positive and negative free place to reside. It also helps to have a home that is very clean with little to no clutter. In some traditions it is believed that the entire home should be washed down with a mixture of water, sea salt, and a little bit of amonia. Personally I use a mixture of water and a cap of bleach. It also helps to place one bay leaf in each corner of your home for protection. A few other things that help bring positive energy into the home is plants, especially the good luck bamboo plant. Some traditions believe you should have one bamboo plant in each room of the home. Having a fountain with running water in the home also helps create positive energy and brings a relaxed atmosphere. So many things can influence our lives, our moods and how we feel. Even the color you paint the walls in your home can greatly effect the energy. Just doing a few things each month will help you to feel better and to live better.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Opening Your Mind & Messages From This Weekends Event
I kept pretty busy over the past week and tried to be less stressed, what a joke that is. This week I'm off on Monday and Tuesday. Beginning this week and the first week of every month I will not have a radio show. With summer coming and something I have pending I needed the extra time off. So just in case you were planning on tuning in this week you know that you can tune in to both shows again on May 11. Both shows will also be canceled on May 18 because I will actually be away on a long over due vacation. I'm looking so forward to going away. Were going to Atlantic City to see James Van Praagh and then we are off to Disney World and also a wedding. It will be a fun and busy week and it can not come quick enough.
There was some talk on my Face Book page about Bob and I going on Big Brother. That is just a rumor. Over the past few months I have applied for several shows and talked to many producers. There was one show for the Sci-Fi channel that I really thought I was going to get. It was going to be like unsolved mysteries except using psychics to work in the unsolved crimes. I believe one of the reasons I did not get to be part of the pilot was because I live on the east coast and that is another reason why I really would love to live in California. I actually have a goal to hopefully move there within the next five years. There is something else that feels promising but I will not stress about it. I know something is coming that is going to be rather big, I just do not know when or what that will be. That is one of the things that sometimes stinks about being a psychic medium, you just can not read yourself. At times I just know things that are going to happen but I could never read into it. I get messages all the time from my deceased loved ones, but just don't get them when I want them or ask for them.
Friday evening was my second event at the beautiful Salem Creekside Inn located along the Neshaminy Creek in Bensalem. I just love this place and all the work they put into it. It is interesting in my perspective to see the differences in the crowd that attends from one event to another. Some crowds are a little more tense then other crowds and some people more open to the information coming through. With every event there is always someone who does not want to accept the messages that are coming through for them and others willing to steal those messages and relatives and keep them for themselves. It is kind of funny to see at times.
Once in a while we run into one difficult person or one flat out ignorant person. That is something Bob had to deal with when this event ended. This woman approached Bob and asked about the ticket price. Someone purchased her ticket and she had no idea what they had paid. When Bob told her she became very nasty and rude and I will not even give her the satisfaction of writing what she said. What it all boils down to is the fact that she was mad because she did not receive a message or a reading. She could have also been mad because while I was in the middle of speaking someone felt a need to be rude by holding a conversation with the person next to them. So I had asked them to please not talk while I'm talking. I'm sorry but I think that is just straight up rude.
It happens every once in a while, just like when someones cell phone goes off, its just not being very thoughtful for others. Of course sometimes it is a mistake, I have left my cell on by accident one time. Now I always keep my cell on vibrate. I just could not understand why the woman had to be so mean, especially beings Bob is so nice to everyone. I do not think she was the one talking, I got more like she was mad because she did not get a reading and beings she did not then it all had to be fake. I look at people like that and feel sad for them, they must not be very happy or have any respect for themselves if they are treating others like that.
The event itself went very well, just like the last event at the Inn. The energy was pretty good, with that one exception, and the messages that came through were amazing to say the least. We arrived and I did a little blessing in the room where the event was before wondering off and up the stairs to a vacant room where I could relax, say a prayer and meditate. I had a good amount of time to relax and meditate and many times while I meditate many messages come through. This time I began to receive visions of a fire, as if I were watching it on a movie screen. It was a house, I felt panic and struggle and began to feel three people connected to this fire. Was not sure whether three perished or not, I wrote this down along with other messages. Once Bob introduced me and I talked a bit about my work and Heaven, I went on to read the messages I wrote down in my meditation. Then I came to the last message, except it was more of a description of what I saw. I read the notes to the audience, fire, house, three people, a pet, or two people and a pet.
Immediately after I read the message I instantly went into a connection with a woman who passed. She began to describe the fire and how she passed, I did not feel burn but more like smoke inhalation. She mentioned the pet and husband who actually got out of the fire. I received the "B" name and the name Lucky, which was the name of the dog that survived. She described the autopsy and then her husband who is living and the fact that he is currently sick with cancer, all validated by the girl I was pulled to and a big group of people in the audience. I also felt that she tried to get out and was close but because of the smoke she passed out and fell to the floor. The girl in the audience validated everything and said they found the woman on the floor by the door trying to get out. Then came the name Benjamen and her father began to come through along with some dates and details that were also validated.
Then there was Frank and two younger energies, one passed tragically and the other had a heart attack at home. At one point I began to see a nun and had to acknowledge a nun and also a joke about a nun. The girls cousin is a nun and her mother in law, who passed, always said she should have been a nun. That brought some laughter to the group and a sure validation that she was connecting to several deceased loved ones. I went to several people in their group and then I began connection to two mothers that were quite humorous. First I had to bring up soup and the deceased mother insisted that someone was trying to duplicate her soup or stew and they were doing it wrong, they needed to add more stock and not water. Of all the things for this mother to bring up, she had to bring up her famous soup recipe. The names and details were both humorous detailed bringing closure and validation to the entire group, including one skeptic.
The two mothers were both such fun connections for me. The whole soup thing is something I don't think I will ever forget. Then she went on to show me a vision of a vehicle or bike going down a mountain after jumping the barrier and then crashing into a rock. The young man was very specific in describing his accident and how his head hit the rock at the bottom of the mountain. The vision was so vivid and clear to me that I could see the smoke from the dust of dirt coming up as the vehicle goes down the mountain. I can still remember this a little bit,whereas I do not always remember two many of the messages that comes through. I was lucky to have our friend Tracy at the event again and she took notes for me so I could blog about it.
The other mother figure that came through was such a fun upbeat energy to connect with. She came through yelling New York at me with a thick New York accent. I found myself talking that NY accent in front of the group and certainly feeling her energy. She kept bring up bagels and baked goods and I could not place my finger on it. The group I went to thought it was just because Baked goods are a big New York thing. I felt there was more to this. The accent was obviously a way of letting the group know that without a doubt I was communicating with their mother. Soon after I began getting another mother energy and father energy all coming through together. One kept showing me a really nice picnic basket and then one of the gentlemen in the group validated that from his mother that passed. She also showed me pictures of Niagara Falls which I related to the gentleman and he validated that he was just looking at those pictures on line the other day.
Often during readings spirit will bring up things that my client may have done over the past few weeks. This is just a way for them to acknowledge for my client that their deceased loved ones were with them at that moment. So this was his mothers way of letting him know that she was with him the other day when he was online looking at Niagara Falls trying to decide whether or not to go there on vacation. Of course his mother even said he should go and take two weeks instead of one. Then came the message about the apple pie that really hit the group pretty hard. All I said was apple pie and they all get very excited and amazed by that. Here the apple pie was a huge sign from their mother that they would expect her to mention. She made Apple pies all the time and would give them away. A sure sign that they did indeed a connection with their mother.
This event just flowed with more and more astounding messages with precise details. Again I understand being skeptical and all. I'm a skeptical person myself and have to see things to believe it. After an event like this I think to myself, how can one not believe after witnessing such amazing detailed messages from the deceased. The thing I think is funny but annoying at the same time is that there are people out there, like that jerk, James Randy, who sets out to destroy mediums and psychics. So in a case like this event where I'm able to give precise detailed information, like I did on America's Psychic Challenge, we (Psychics, Mediums) are then accused of putting people in the audience or questioning people before the event in order to get information from them, or setting the whole thing up one way or another. Come on Mr. Randy, you have to come up with something better then that. This is the same guy that offers anyone a million dollars to prove their psychic. Well Randy should have given that money away a long time ago. As we all know, he is actually never going to give that cash away. I think it is more that people are afraid of the unknown or they are just flat out close minded. The information, the gift, and the work all speak for itself. If psychics and mediums were not real then first of all they would not have existed since the beginning of time, like they have, and secondly, they would not be working with law enforcement solving cases every day as they do.
Even from my perspective it is interesting after fifteen years as a medium and twenty years as a psychic to see such amazingly detailed information come through from mediums like myself. This is just a small glimpse into the dozens of messages that came through during this event. There were also messages that came through from one gentlemen who passed when the plane hit his office window during the 911 attack in New York. I went to another group of people on the left side of the room that seemed very skeptical, at least a few were. Sometimes skeptics get the most detailed accurate readings just because spirit wants to make sure they get it. Get it meaning knowing that they did have a true connection.
A brother in law came through with details of his aneurysm and how his mother had an issue shipping his body back home. He even mentioned how the girl I was reading was attacked by bee's and stung dozens of times last summer while doing lawn work. He warned her that the bee's would be back this year to assure that she would not run into them again. I thought that was very thoughtful of him. He also brought up the number 53 and his mothers birthday is May 3. Then one guy in the group who was skeptical began to get a long over due message and apology from his father. There were major issues that his father was apologizing over and wanted to let his son know that it was OK that he did not see him before he passed. He felt that he deserved to die alone for abandoning his family. You could see the burden lift right off the guys shoulders. Things like that are what make my gift and work so fulfilling and so worth it.
I still have a list of notes from my last event at the Inn that Tracy took for me. She is very detailed and I could write a book on this event. I just wanted to share some of the connections with you and my thoughts on a few things. There was a police officer that came through to his wife that was in the audience and so much more. There is more to being a medium then just doing readings. It can be a burden at times and is not all that you think it is. Many times I have heard people say "I wish I could have a gift like yours." I often thing to myself "Do you really?" It is a lot to take on and can be overwhelming. There is not shut off switch and it is constant that I'm hounded by spirit, although I really don't mind.
Don't get me wrong, I love what I do and would not trade it for anything. I just would like others to know that there is more to it then you may think. Especially beings I see these things as if I'm actually there. I can not tell you how many times I have seen accidents, people shot themselves, murders, blood and other horrible things that just don't go away. They can haunt you if you let them and eat you up inside. I have learned to deal with these things but still can not handle to see children suffer or harmed in any way, this crushes my spirit. Like a few weeks ago when I blogged about the reading I did with the kids and wife that lost their father recently in a tragic accident. After they walked out of my office I actually sat and cried feeling their pain.
Like anything else in this life, nothing comes easy. And the things that do come we need to appreciate and be fortunate that we have them. Whether it be food, a home, or seeing the deceased, be grateful. There will always be someone that is doing worst then you are no matter what, so we must remember that. Even with my work, when people come to receive messages from someone the miss so dearly, why question it, embrace it and be fortunate that you were chosen to receive that special message. So if anything comes out of this post, I would hope that it has inspired you in some way. I hope I was able to open your mind and teach you something that you can carry through your journey hear on Earth. Thank you all so very much for allowing me to share my gift with you. I would like to also thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Again I hope that I was able to inspire you in some way.
Joseph Tittel
There was some talk on my Face Book page about Bob and I going on Big Brother. That is just a rumor. Over the past few months I have applied for several shows and talked to many producers. There was one show for the Sci-Fi channel that I really thought I was going to get. It was going to be like unsolved mysteries except using psychics to work in the unsolved crimes. I believe one of the reasons I did not get to be part of the pilot was because I live on the east coast and that is another reason why I really would love to live in California. I actually have a goal to hopefully move there within the next five years. There is something else that feels promising but I will not stress about it. I know something is coming that is going to be rather big, I just do not know when or what that will be. That is one of the things that sometimes stinks about being a psychic medium, you just can not read yourself. At times I just know things that are going to happen but I could never read into it. I get messages all the time from my deceased loved ones, but just don't get them when I want them or ask for them.
Friday evening was my second event at the beautiful Salem Creekside Inn located along the Neshaminy Creek in Bensalem. I just love this place and all the work they put into it. It is interesting in my perspective to see the differences in the crowd that attends from one event to another. Some crowds are a little more tense then other crowds and some people more open to the information coming through. With every event there is always someone who does not want to accept the messages that are coming through for them and others willing to steal those messages and relatives and keep them for themselves. It is kind of funny to see at times.
Once in a while we run into one difficult person or one flat out ignorant person. That is something Bob had to deal with when this event ended. This woman approached Bob and asked about the ticket price. Someone purchased her ticket and she had no idea what they had paid. When Bob told her she became very nasty and rude and I will not even give her the satisfaction of writing what she said. What it all boils down to is the fact that she was mad because she did not receive a message or a reading. She could have also been mad because while I was in the middle of speaking someone felt a need to be rude by holding a conversation with the person next to them. So I had asked them to please not talk while I'm talking. I'm sorry but I think that is just straight up rude.
It happens every once in a while, just like when someones cell phone goes off, its just not being very thoughtful for others. Of course sometimes it is a mistake, I have left my cell on by accident one time. Now I always keep my cell on vibrate. I just could not understand why the woman had to be so mean, especially beings Bob is so nice to everyone. I do not think she was the one talking, I got more like she was mad because she did not get a reading and beings she did not then it all had to be fake. I look at people like that and feel sad for them, they must not be very happy or have any respect for themselves if they are treating others like that.
The event itself went very well, just like the last event at the Inn. The energy was pretty good, with that one exception, and the messages that came through were amazing to say the least. We arrived and I did a little blessing in the room where the event was before wondering off and up the stairs to a vacant room where I could relax, say a prayer and meditate. I had a good amount of time to relax and meditate and many times while I meditate many messages come through. This time I began to receive visions of a fire, as if I were watching it on a movie screen. It was a house, I felt panic and struggle and began to feel three people connected to this fire. Was not sure whether three perished or not, I wrote this down along with other messages. Once Bob introduced me and I talked a bit about my work and Heaven, I went on to read the messages I wrote down in my meditation. Then I came to the last message, except it was more of a description of what I saw. I read the notes to the audience, fire, house, three people, a pet, or two people and a pet.
Immediately after I read the message I instantly went into a connection with a woman who passed. She began to describe the fire and how she passed, I did not feel burn but more like smoke inhalation. She mentioned the pet and husband who actually got out of the fire. I received the "B" name and the name Lucky, which was the name of the dog that survived. She described the autopsy and then her husband who is living and the fact that he is currently sick with cancer, all validated by the girl I was pulled to and a big group of people in the audience. I also felt that she tried to get out and was close but because of the smoke she passed out and fell to the floor. The girl in the audience validated everything and said they found the woman on the floor by the door trying to get out. Then came the name Benjamen and her father began to come through along with some dates and details that were also validated.
Then there was Frank and two younger energies, one passed tragically and the other had a heart attack at home. At one point I began to see a nun and had to acknowledge a nun and also a joke about a nun. The girls cousin is a nun and her mother in law, who passed, always said she should have been a nun. That brought some laughter to the group and a sure validation that she was connecting to several deceased loved ones. I went to several people in their group and then I began connection to two mothers that were quite humorous. First I had to bring up soup and the deceased mother insisted that someone was trying to duplicate her soup or stew and they were doing it wrong, they needed to add more stock and not water. Of all the things for this mother to bring up, she had to bring up her famous soup recipe. The names and details were both humorous detailed bringing closure and validation to the entire group, including one skeptic.
The two mothers were both such fun connections for me. The whole soup thing is something I don't think I will ever forget. Then she went on to show me a vision of a vehicle or bike going down a mountain after jumping the barrier and then crashing into a rock. The young man was very specific in describing his accident and how his head hit the rock at the bottom of the mountain. The vision was so vivid and clear to me that I could see the smoke from the dust of dirt coming up as the vehicle goes down the mountain. I can still remember this a little bit,whereas I do not always remember two many of the messages that comes through. I was lucky to have our friend Tracy at the event again and she took notes for me so I could blog about it.
The other mother figure that came through was such a fun upbeat energy to connect with. She came through yelling New York at me with a thick New York accent. I found myself talking that NY accent in front of the group and certainly feeling her energy. She kept bring up bagels and baked goods and I could not place my finger on it. The group I went to thought it was just because Baked goods are a big New York thing. I felt there was more to this. The accent was obviously a way of letting the group know that without a doubt I was communicating with their mother. Soon after I began getting another mother energy and father energy all coming through together. One kept showing me a really nice picnic basket and then one of the gentlemen in the group validated that from his mother that passed. She also showed me pictures of Niagara Falls which I related to the gentleman and he validated that he was just looking at those pictures on line the other day.
Often during readings spirit will bring up things that my client may have done over the past few weeks. This is just a way for them to acknowledge for my client that their deceased loved ones were with them at that moment. So this was his mothers way of letting him know that she was with him the other day when he was online looking at Niagara Falls trying to decide whether or not to go there on vacation. Of course his mother even said he should go and take two weeks instead of one. Then came the message about the apple pie that really hit the group pretty hard. All I said was apple pie and they all get very excited and amazed by that. Here the apple pie was a huge sign from their mother that they would expect her to mention. She made Apple pies all the time and would give them away. A sure sign that they did indeed a connection with their mother.
This event just flowed with more and more astounding messages with precise details. Again I understand being skeptical and all. I'm a skeptical person myself and have to see things to believe it. After an event like this I think to myself, how can one not believe after witnessing such amazing detailed messages from the deceased. The thing I think is funny but annoying at the same time is that there are people out there, like that jerk, James Randy, who sets out to destroy mediums and psychics. So in a case like this event where I'm able to give precise detailed information, like I did on America's Psychic Challenge, we (Psychics, Mediums) are then accused of putting people in the audience or questioning people before the event in order to get information from them, or setting the whole thing up one way or another. Come on Mr. Randy, you have to come up with something better then that. This is the same guy that offers anyone a million dollars to prove their psychic. Well Randy should have given that money away a long time ago. As we all know, he is actually never going to give that cash away. I think it is more that people are afraid of the unknown or they are just flat out close minded. The information, the gift, and the work all speak for itself. If psychics and mediums were not real then first of all they would not have existed since the beginning of time, like they have, and secondly, they would not be working with law enforcement solving cases every day as they do.
Even from my perspective it is interesting after fifteen years as a medium and twenty years as a psychic to see such amazingly detailed information come through from mediums like myself. This is just a small glimpse into the dozens of messages that came through during this event. There were also messages that came through from one gentlemen who passed when the plane hit his office window during the 911 attack in New York. I went to another group of people on the left side of the room that seemed very skeptical, at least a few were. Sometimes skeptics get the most detailed accurate readings just because spirit wants to make sure they get it. Get it meaning knowing that they did have a true connection.
A brother in law came through with details of his aneurysm and how his mother had an issue shipping his body back home. He even mentioned how the girl I was reading was attacked by bee's and stung dozens of times last summer while doing lawn work. He warned her that the bee's would be back this year to assure that she would not run into them again. I thought that was very thoughtful of him. He also brought up the number 53 and his mothers birthday is May 3. Then one guy in the group who was skeptical began to get a long over due message and apology from his father. There were major issues that his father was apologizing over and wanted to let his son know that it was OK that he did not see him before he passed. He felt that he deserved to die alone for abandoning his family. You could see the burden lift right off the guys shoulders. Things like that are what make my gift and work so fulfilling and so worth it.
I still have a list of notes from my last event at the Inn that Tracy took for me. She is very detailed and I could write a book on this event. I just wanted to share some of the connections with you and my thoughts on a few things. There was a police officer that came through to his wife that was in the audience and so much more. There is more to being a medium then just doing readings. It can be a burden at times and is not all that you think it is. Many times I have heard people say "I wish I could have a gift like yours." I often thing to myself "Do you really?" It is a lot to take on and can be overwhelming. There is not shut off switch and it is constant that I'm hounded by spirit, although I really don't mind.
Don't get me wrong, I love what I do and would not trade it for anything. I just would like others to know that there is more to it then you may think. Especially beings I see these things as if I'm actually there. I can not tell you how many times I have seen accidents, people shot themselves, murders, blood and other horrible things that just don't go away. They can haunt you if you let them and eat you up inside. I have learned to deal with these things but still can not handle to see children suffer or harmed in any way, this crushes my spirit. Like a few weeks ago when I blogged about the reading I did with the kids and wife that lost their father recently in a tragic accident. After they walked out of my office I actually sat and cried feeling their pain.
Like anything else in this life, nothing comes easy. And the things that do come we need to appreciate and be fortunate that we have them. Whether it be food, a home, or seeing the deceased, be grateful. There will always be someone that is doing worst then you are no matter what, so we must remember that. Even with my work, when people come to receive messages from someone the miss so dearly, why question it, embrace it and be fortunate that you were chosen to receive that special message. So if anything comes out of this post, I would hope that it has inspired you in some way. I hope I was able to open your mind and teach you something that you can carry through your journey hear on Earth. Thank you all so very much for allowing me to share my gift with you. I would like to also thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Again I hope that I was able to inspire you in some way.
Joseph Tittel
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